Each system has been designed and manufactured to exacting standards with numerous enhancements that ensure that they are fully compliant with the relevant requirements and guidance laid down by a wide range of internationally recognised bodies and associations. These include, but are not necessarily limited to, the United Nations Office for Project Services, the World Health Organisation and the Basel Convention.
Taking due regard to the criteria referenced within the technical guidance issued by the above we can confirm that each system is fully compliant with the regulatory requirements of the Egyptian Environmental Law (Law Number 4 1994).
Each system has the following features:
- A fully automated process that readily converts the potentially hazardous medical wastes into an innocuous exhaust gas and an inert ash residue.
- A fully integrated system that caters for the initial handling of the wastes, their in-feed into the primary incinerator combustion chamber, the actual combustion of the wastes in a safe and controlled manner, the thorough treatment of the combustion products and flue gases in a high temperature environment and the safe handling of the resultant ash residues.
- A system that offers the maximum reduction of the wastes in terms of weight and volume.
- A dedicated secondary combustion zone that ensures the complete thermal oxidation of the combustion process gases by employing three key features, often referred to as the 3T's:
- Time; the secondary combustion chamber is configured to provide at least two seconds residence time for the process gas and the additional combustion air.
- Turbulence; the secondary combustion chamber is configured so as to create a highly turbulent atmosphere that promotes the intimate mixing of the process gas and the additional combustion air.
- Temperature; the secondary combustion chamber is configured so as to create a high temperature environment that promotes the thermal transition of the process gas into a clean and safe exhaust gas.
- A dedicated control system that provides for the total control of the whole plant with minimal intervention from the operator. This system is complete with a panel facia that gives the running, temperature and fault status of the whole plant.
- A PC based SCADA supervisory system that may be positioned within the supervisor's office or similar location and which provides multi-screen accessibility of the operational status of the whole plant. This information includes the operating temperatures and the emission data.
- An integral continuous emission monitoring system that provides instantaneous values of the Oxygen, Carbon Monoxide and Particulate Matter carried within the treated flue gases.
- A dedicated point within the exhaust chimney for the periodic (non-continuous) testing and measurement of any other key parameters within the treated flue gas.
- Flu gas treatment system
The implementation of these key features ensures that almost all of the pollutants that are entrained within the process gas are destroyed or minimised to acceptable levels. In particular the secondary treatment process will eliminate virtually all of the Dioxin and Furan compounds that may be generated by the combustion process as well as all other volatile compounds.